Is your water heater failing?

If there’s one thing that can help us get through a dreary winter, it’s a hot, relaxing shower. It wakes you up in the morning and calms you before bedtime. It’s an escape from the frigid winds and freezing rain of winter. It’s a place to reflect, refresh, and sing. But what if that were to stop? What if your hot showers turned cold?
Posted On: January 3, 2017

Your water heater may be the unsung, tireless workhorse of your home, but it’s not immortal. Here are a few signs that your water heater is about to fail… and that cold times may be ahead.

Your water heater is over ten years old.

The age of your water heater matters. It is the catalyst in several water heater failures and mishaps. In fact, the issues you’ll read about later in this article can all be caused by age alone. Depending on maintenance, the standard water heater can last eight to twelve years. If yours is pushing ten years old, keep a wary eye on it and consider having preventative maintenance done before disaster strikes.

You see rusty water.

Rusty water is one of the most noticeable signs of water heater damage and a top indicator that it’s time for a water heater replacement. This is especially true if your water heater is more than ten years old. If you notice discolored hot water coming from a newer unit, call Washington Energy Services and we’ll send a water heater specialist to inspect it. It’s also possible that your rusty water is a product of galvanized pipes or a disturbance in the public water supply. Either way, don’t wait to get this question answered.

The water tank is leaking.

Water around the base of the water tank is a telltale sign that something isn’t right. Even if the fracture is small, the consistent heating and cooling of the water causes the metal to expand and contract. Even if it only leaks some of the time, a new water heater is probably in order. After all, it only takes minutes to flood a home.

You hear a rumbling noise.

What’s that sound? It’s your water heater’s cries for help (or replacement). This problem is typically found with older water heaters, as sediment begins to build up on the bottom. This sediment hardens with time and the frequent temperature changes can cause it to emit rumbling or banging sounds.

A failing water heater doesn’t just mean cold showers and possible flooding. It can also wreak havoc on your energy bills. New water heaters are designed to provide higher performance with less energy usage. Luckily, Washington Energy Services has a huge selection of energy efficient tank and tankless water heaters to fit your needs and budget.

Keep an eye out for these water heater failure signs to avoid flooding, optimize your home’s efficiency, and enjoy hot showers all winter long.

We can quote tank water heater replacement over the phone and email, with no in-home visit required. Fill out our estimate form to get started.

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